"Perched" has landed!
The first print of "Perched" has sold out but a second printing is underway. Due late January 2022, copies will be available direct for $50 and will be coming soon to Amazon and local retailers. If you have followed my work this past year, I hope you are as excited as I am!
Perched features the best of my wild bird photography in a 10x10 hard bound book. Over 100 pages are filled with color and black & white bird photography from across North Carolina.

Take a peak inside...
To secure a copy of Perched, you can pre-order below. This will be an incredible gift for any birding enthusiast, backyard birder, wildlife photographer, or just anyone who likes local wildlife. It is sure to be a great conversation starter as a coffee table book. The book includes:
Over 100 pages of high quality, professional bird photography
Bird IDs for every species within the book organized by calendar month
A birding checklist so you can also record your own bird sightings
To inquire about a pre-order, please complete the form below or email greinerstudio@gmail.com directly. A secure invoice will then be sent by email within 48 hours for you to complete your order.
Spread the word, buy local, and support a local artist!