Hi! We are Amanda and Craig and we enjoy sharing our creativity and helping others to discover theirs.
For me, Amanda, it's the adventure into the unknown that fills me with joy. When people say they "can't" I ask "why not?". Creativity is a constant discovery that only comes from trying. I discovered a passion for painting when I was told to just play with the paint. I let go of what I had been taught, embraced the mystery of what was to come, and had fun with it. Using a single brush, bold brush strokes, and blending directly on the canvas, I reach a point of spontaneity, painting over areas only to bring them back. I call it realistic abstract expressionism. My work is about perspective, evoking emotion, appreciating and celebrating the parts that make the whole, and the undefined areas that pass on the mystery of creation to the viewer.
Amanda and Craig are both North Carolina artists, though Craig is originally from Pennsylvania. Amanda earned her BA in Studio Art from UNC Wilmington as well as her BS in Business Administration Marketing. She has been exhibiting and has a passion for teaching art appreciation to people of all ages. After visiting museums in Paris and studying with artists in Penland, NC her interest in mediums other than paint were peaked.
Beauty exists everywhere in the world that surrounds us. Wandering through life, I - Craig - learned that no two moments are ever exactly the same. While beauty can been seen everywhere, in those fleeting moments that pass us by, it is always changing. To capture those moments, and share them with the world, I hope to drive a sense of appreciation for what surrounds us. Dubbed conservation photography, I strive not only to promote appreciation of the arts, but conserve the art which is the world in which we live.
An art scholarship while studying engineering at the University of Pittsburgh reminded Craig to never let go of the arts and the passion he had for painting the world with his lens. His work has been published in Wildlife in North Carolina magazine and has been displayed at several galleries and shows over the past decade.
Joining lives, sharing passions, and chasing dreams together, Amanda and Craig adopted Greiner Studio in 2015 as an outlet for joint expression and art education. We hope to share our artistic ventures with others and enrich the community we live in. Keep coming back to see our newest works and watch us grow.

919-951-4467 / 336-269-0467 / GreinerStudio@gmail.com
PO Box 165, Bynum NC 27312